>>16378245 lb
This is rambling but hey, it's notes.. The entire video is enlightening to say the very least.
Watch the end of this video and learn who Lee Harvey Oswald was and why he was killed. The last 30-45- 60 minutes or so explains Oswald's role and why he got fingered for the assassanation.
Spoiler alert: He was FBI and he was working the CIA clandestine BIOWEAPONS facilities CONUS. Around 4:24 and just listen.
4:27 GEMSTONEthe whole 9 yards
By 1981 all of America's gold was GONE from Fort Knox, fake gold notes traced via serial numbers, manipulated by Rockefeller. Reported in 1974 and the author George F. Smith found the fake notes Louise Achincloss Boyer, secretary to Nelson Rockefeller "fell out of a skyscraper- sound familiar?) 3 days after the report was published. ( around the 4hr mark)
Once ALL of America's gold reserves had returned to England, Nixon repealed the act and allowed Americans to buy and own gold. [The]y traded at $35 an ounce, it skyrocketed to $885 an ounce in months. At this point America had ZERO gold, the Fed had what was not offshore. Now that money is electronically controlled the same players can easily crash the market again like they did in the past over and over again. They create the money they control the Earth.
This was news to me. This goes deep into the FRB, CFR, fiat and gold (Fort Knox, the great gold robbery- coersive control and how they work it)
4:24 GHWB, Kennedy and John John.
#11110 Silver Certificate E.O.
The bankers killed Kennedy like Lincoln, you don't mess with their cartel.
The CIA killed Oswald because they thought he double crossed them.
Operation Zapata
Oswald's CIA handler George de Mohrenschildt ("Friend" of GWHB) took bullets to the back of the head in 1977 before he could testify on the House Select Cmte for Assassinations. Dead men tell no tales.
(wiki on de Mohrenschildt- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_de_Mohrenschildt#Death
J Edgar Hoover memo -outed GWHB as a CIA lead guy.
1960 Hoover wrote a memo that somebody was using Lee Harvey Oswald's ID.
Following his return from Russia, Oswald was seen at the SECRET CIA TRAINING FACILITY IN Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana.
The FBI raided the facility shortly thereafter and shut it down.
JFK Jr got the GEMSTONE file and knew the truth fully. In 1999. A Federal Grand Jury was to be convened. (You) know how that story ended. The provider of the file refused to take a dime for the file. 7-16-1999 JFK Jr. murdered. Bush was campaigning but went M.I.A. for the next three days. The Cabal knows people know. There's more on this.
March 1961 Gen MacArthur warned Kennedy about the forces (bankers) who wanted to stop his administration re: financial control and control iover the Intel community.
4:40 or so- THERAPISTS and the Government use against the population
OSWALDnear the very end
CANCER IS A MAN MADE KILLERsee CIA 6:16 ishSB40carcinogen
They murdered Mary Sherman, researcher, she was electrocuted and stabbed to death. They dropped she back at her place and job done. A sloppy but they got rid of her, after torture. The SAME day as the Warren Commission start date.
Soft tissue cancer was created by Mary, (David) Ferrie and the MONKEY virus. The polio vaccine Sabine had MONEY VIRUS. Several MONKEY viruses were injected into the Polio virus.
The labs were in Louisiana, enter Oswald. RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS (NAZI?)
did all of this. Oswald was a mole who infiltrated the CIA lab bullshit. Lee Harvey Oswald was a patriot. His vilification makes total sense. Mary Baker knew him and worked with him, he was a liason.
BIOWEAPONSUsed against us since before/since we brought the NAZIs home.
Ferrie- they killed him to shut him up about the secret cancer research in Lousisiana.
Battle Hymn: Revelations of the Sinister Plan for a N.W.O