Unpopular opinion incoming; the notion everything is owned and controlled by the Deep State is exactly as fallacious as the anons who claim every setback is The Plan™ "finally falling into place."
Life's messy, people have loyalties and agendas which are not as black and white as one may wish, something you'll know if you've ever tried to put a team together to work on a project which required dedication and persistence. You have to work with the imperfect circumstances and personalities you've got, not hold off awaiting perfection, which is guaranteed never to arrive.
I understand Q had to stir up a sense of optimism in the learned-helplessness of American conservative culture by telling us victory was assured (and I know there are spiritual intimations of a similar heroic and unavoidable victory for us, for those who partake of that kind of thing) but it also has a downside, this idea of anything being "inevitable." Very easy to find it flipping on you, and becoming a source of deep discouragement.
Most people hate pedophiles, blackmailers, and corruption, and they want peace and prosperity for themselves and their communities, in that I do place considerable faith. This basic decency is what most of us seek to return to, and then defend.
Anons struggling today need to get the heck off any social media filled with gloating Democrat & groomer lackeys, and do something to rebuild self-repect, and a sense of joy and competence.