God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
Glad this was notabled.
It seems a lot of work has already been done on the technological aspects mind control narrative shapping - external influences on group and individuals like collective shock induction trauma that followed 911, which permitted the imposition and wide acceptance of the OBL boxcutter story.
what may be of greater interest is the area of internal influence conceivably graphene or other material might self assemble into something like a gravitational antenna giving access to greater universe.
Not necessarily that, but there's something missing in the balance area in the MK picture as a whole -even technology developed by cultist fanatics may be put to beneficial uses because if it were used properly, as it was intended the efgfects would not be harmful, but only become so when pedovores manipulate place and purpose.
When symbolic language was invented the Egyptian priests allegedly warned Plato that it would destroy history by destroying human memory, subjecting the story to the tyranny of written records which record one dream at the expense of every other.
Every clever simian knows that the tail of history wags the future, that a historical injury or injustice is what inspires men of deed, and ancient injuries may justify future vengeance, and the very existence of such knowledge warps our minds with a type of moral gravitation.
So there is enormous incentive and real world advantage to be derived from the manipulation of history. Intelligence agencies do it tactically, but nations prefer flattering selfies, just as individuals do.
For example if we are of nation 23, and a new historical record is found, positively dated and showing how bigshot nation 22 and rich nation 24 attempted to murder our 23 people, pissed in our sacred waterfall, and sacrificed our children to the fiery war God Moloch..
Proof isn't it? Nations 22 and 24 are murderous profaners of our sacred 23 national history, and we 23's are justified in inflicting on them the most severe punishments. with thousand of variations it's done all the time.
Forged history is one problem with symbolic language. It is constantly put to deceptive use, what it offers in return is moral illusion. We are justified because of this, this and this.
So history is another dimension in conflict, and can be a deciding factor. The nuremberg trials set up the idea that there is such a thing as "rules of war" and successfully turned our attention away from the real reasons for the incendiary bombing of civilian populations, who by all prior tradition were classed as non combatants and held immune to attack by the military codes that had prevailed in the 17'th 18'th and 19'th century Europe. Now people expect trials for the bad guys, who turn out to be the losers in the war to control history.
Every nation, tribe clan and family writes and edits it's own history, the authors always assign blame outside the client sponsor/ consumer nation. Sins are omitted, shame vanishes, national virtues and heroes appear in history, instead of in Life.
Stories, unmanaged ones, will emerge spontaneously in prepared minds which stories, by their own compelling truth, are the antidote to histories poisons.
We must first know we are sick before we be treated. We must create the conditions which will allow those strories to emerge and allow them to circulate and heal.
Information poisoning is real. It blinds the Spirit, cripples the mind and with pornography and subliminal embeds and all news, advertising and entertainment media it diverts human reproductive instincts in futile violent perversions like pedophilia. These are now widespread and if not rapidly checked would have lead to the collapse of our civilization and the extinction of the majority of the human population.
The soul of people who die by violence linger unhappy and in pain, according to Rupert Steiner the entities or Spiritual forces concerned are able to use those unhappy souls to create forceful negative effects on the minds of large populations.
We see today MSM exerts near total control of a large segment of our population. We call them NPCs but they are our friends, our families and fellow citizens.
As Wilson Bryan Key put it back in the 1980s: '“ "In spite of the evidence presented, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is now driving ever larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors.” ’’’