did we won anyfucking shit??????????????
Why the fuck I am here, you you fuck????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
go fuck yourself.
done digging, done pray, fuck your meme, I am gif shit tard.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, now we're talking, I am here for captcha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did captcha in 5 and a half years, moar than all the internet,
so this is why we here???????
for captcha???????????????
5 and half years of captcha, and the rat run, and I am here, to suffer, from another world.
All in darkness, but full of pain.
after a life, full of sheet, w/ parents that should have forbiden to have kids.
Tell me, dear God, the creator of everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since when i wanted to make this planet heaven, please tell me, since when?!?!?!?!!?!
one year ago?????????????????????
since when???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
and why we are here??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Did I wanted something bed????????????????????????????????
I am a garbage?????????????????????????????????????
If not, why you are???????????????
why we are here????????????
who is the garbage???????????
who hurts who???????????????????????????
Did I hurt you ever, for wanting this planet be heaven??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Did I raped any kids????????????????????????????
Did i prayed to satan???????????????????
Did I commited treason?????????????????????????
Did I fucked kids?????????????????????????????
Of not any above, are you retarded???????????????????????? to punish me, and don't le me make this planet amazing????????????????????????????????????
Your mother swallowed your sister.
You make me cry………………….
My family of aliens, are invisible, and untouchble………………..
Nothing can hurt them, only my insults.
In the rest,NOTHING, nothing.
And I insult them, b/c they are unfair w/ you.
I want this planet be heaven, but there are too many idiots, and I don't know what the fuck to to, b/c I've made a promise and can't keep it…………………………………
I'm sorry.