Every .gov agency IS CORRUPT! The meme stock holders caught them by the balls! We figured out their scam! We hold to destroy them! Fuck the SEC!
This is why we HOLD AMC! Because fucks like this guy screw everyone, even his own investors! Fuck this sorry sack of shit!
"The hedge fund just updated their liquidity terms for all investors and the institution continues to lose money on bets theyโre not willing to close.
They are limiting quarterly withdrawals to 6.25%, meaning it would take 16 quarters, or four years to fully pull out unless the client is willing to pay a fee.
Unless Citadel Securities closes their heavily shorted positions in both AMC and GME, clients are in for more losses leading into 2022."
This is our tax dollar HARD at work! Gary needs to get the lotion off his hands and do the job Americasns expect him to doโฆโฆ..Protect the retail investor!
"Senior staffers at the Securities and Exchange Commission spent hours surfing pornographic websites on government-issued computers while they were being paid to police the financial system, an agency watchdog says."
Why we hold! Mocking all of retail!
I did!
We are winning even tho it may not look that way! The price of AMC is not what you see on the ticker! Any information as to short interest, fundamentals, free float etc. are ALL BULLSHIT NUMBERS! They are hiding the true numbers because they are FUCKED! And (((THEY))) know it!
My father-in-law was/is a pilot, as was his dad. In the 70's they lived next door to a CIA agent and got recruited that way. My FIL told me he was teaching pilots to fly undetected across the mexican border. He has all kinda pictures of him with foreigners. Told us all kinda stories about mapping russian missile silos, vacations in the middle east where no one in their right mind would vacation. He lived in Guatamala for 6 months at a time collecting information. All kinda crazy shit!
My FIL is on his last leg. He has been telling us more and more over the last couple years. I always knew something was going on with this guy.
Hedge against the coming market crash! #AMC!!!!
When he is over at the house, I always tell him the crooked shit I see with this group. How they are subverting the USA, money laundering for their black ops, MKultra programs and shit like that. He's pretty tight lipped when I bring shit like that up!
>that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat