Can anyone give advice on how to fly out of Canada without vaccination? I'm literally stuck here the rules are so vague they're just gunna circular semantic fuck with me. I was born in Europe and have dual citizenship if that matters.
>>16380966 me
Should have mentioned I'm trying to fly back to EU. Ferry to US then US to EU hmm not a bad backup plan. I think I need a Vaccine Passport to board ferries too, ugh.
I think this is the best strategy thx. I think Canada is the only place in the world that still doesn't allow its citizens to conveniently leave from a taxpayer funded airport; honestly probably to prevent bailing from the sinking ship.
Then how am I supposed to leave from a US airport when they find out I have no stamp on my passport legally entering the country.
It takes 3 penguins and 2 Igloo's (not in growing season) to tame one unfortunately.
I require more vespene gas.
Oh but still once they scan my passport they'll find out it wasn't scanned/stamped/approved at the border so just tearing it out would be ineffective. Just more reason to give trouble to me.
Random story but I tried to cross the US border via bus one time and got denied by the most American looking guy I've ever seen't, his eyes/gaze were penetrating my soul (looked like he seen some shit) and the guy just didn't like me I knew he was going to deny me the moment he saw me. He was a manlet though; I think I banged his sister in a past life without the regular offering of 3 goats and a bar of soap or some shit. Some of you Americans are srs business I wouldn't wanna be your enemy I'll say that; 1776 bloodlines.
Even if there was they're unlikely to provide you their secrets otherwise they'd lose money. Only motive to help someone trade in markets is if it is family or wanting to help takedown the Shitsteins.
How do you detox from these chemicals or it's literally a forever-chemical?
Your head is so far up your own ass that you don't know which way is Sunday.
Well the 'experts' say that about Liver/Gall bladder stones but you can break them down with Choline and Milk Thistle. Famotidine apparently removed nano-plastics from the body but after Trump's doctor revealed his COVID19 protocol it was coincidinkally removed from convenient OTC purchase not even 1-2 weeks later; the timingโฆ
The quickest route to the top is to sellout to the liberal insanity; what else do you expect from these Corps/Orgs?
If you sellout to liberal insanity they promise to make you popular, if you stand up for what you believe in and common sense then you get buried.
When you're proven wrong don't frown, just double-down.