She doesn't sound like that.
She sounds like someone who actually was abused as a child, or a teenager, and can't handle such a story (which was even written by a woman, which makes her hating men in the game quite hilarious in a way - "wah, the game probably thinks it's a great moment when the father…" I really can't stand her, she sounds like a typical leftist - women good, all men evil and bad and probably into raping children, castrate all men).
Still in todays time 12 year olds have porn on their smartphones, probably even younger ones. I don't like that at all, but that's how it is. I consider that a major problem, in fact I would ban these phones especially for children including internet access. At the same time she pretends as if a 16 year old was an innocent child, and some may actually be even nowadays. The norm isn't like that. And in the end it's a numbers game. When is it okay for a let's say 35 years old man to have a relationship with? 18? 20? 25? Is there some math to it? When is a woman a woman and can decide for herself (sometimes badly)? 18? 25? When she personally feels like it? When is a woman allowed to decide for herself? My personal opinion is that women are never really mature.
And what would even banning that game accomplish? It's like banning the book Lolita, and isn't that one actually about a pre pubescent girl?
If you want to ban something, ban smartphones for children, so that they can have a childhood again. and fuck internet. Of course nowadays you also need to ban school books and schools too.