Venus is not Ishtar/Lilith/Isis/TheSerpent
Venus is simply a planet
The arch Angel who holds dominion over it and what it represents namely all things lovely and green is Haniel
Lilithu is the by product of disobedience
She is The Serpent a cunning "beast" of field.
She was incarnated. She is no longer. She will be again, if she's not already. She fooled Angels themselves into leaving their first estate to manifest and enjoy the pleasure of women.
She can be called pretty easily. She'll show up and pretty quickly tell you secrets before she begins bragging about how she's going to skull fuck your rotting corpse in hell and how you have no hope of reaching Ya, and only by following her into the utter depths of depravity can you hope to reach him.
Needless to say. She was a lie from the start. A scorned spawn of a disobedient archangel.
The first feminazi
The first liberated wife
The first divorced wife of the once glorious Adam Ha Kadmon whom even the angels once marveled at. A "companion" of HaShem. (actually hung out with G-d)
They are trying to get her to manifest again. More than just a shadow or thought form. They want her incarnated. Why?
They want to force G-d's hand in bringing about Zion. Hence the term "Zionist"
Enough occult lessons for the day!
Now let us fight evil with memes!
Frater Anon