Anonymous ID: 758463 June 5, 2018, 7:14 a.m. No.1638809   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>Pic related.

Mutation of PAX6 gene or P gene (OCA2)?

Am J Phys Anthropol. 2013 Jul; 151(3): 398–407.

The Convergent Evolution of Blue Iris Pigmentation in Primates Took Distinct Molecular Paths

How many distinct molecular paths lead to the same phenotype?

In humans, the phenotype of blue iris pigmentation has well understood molecular and genetic underpinnings.


In humans, several coding sequence mutations and deletions of coding regions in OCA2 (P gene) cause oculocutaneous albinism, or severely reduced pigmentation of the hair, skin, and irises , whereas regulatory SNP rs12913832 has a more moderate influence on hair and skin phenotypes .


In addition to the main effect SNP, variants within OCA2 and at least 12 other genes have been more weakly associated with human iris color variation; these likely act as modifiers of iris color with smaller effect size

Age strongly influences human iris color variation, and sex has a significant but weak effect


revealed the blue iris phenotype to be highly similar across species