Anonymous ID: 95996f June 5, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.1638789   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8801



Monarch mind control was/is practiced on an industrial scale. Thousands of people fractured into multiple personalities then selected and trained to hold diverse jobs throughout society and the economy with the ability to act totally normal. The scale of the infiltration is mind boggling.


Miraculous that there is a group of people who understand and have developed a plan to root out such pervasive evil. 40,000 ft. view indeed.


A&E is running a series on cults. Worth watching.

Anonymous ID: 95996f June 5, 2018, 7:57 a.m. No.1639076   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Fun to watch the libs though. As the far, far left get more panicked by losing and fear of losing, their actions and words become more outrageous. As that happens, more libs decide to stop drinking the kool-aid.


Never-Trumper (Richard Goodstein, I think) on Tucker last night noted divisions within Dem. party. He identified himself as a moderate and dissed the lib progressive movement as socialism which he wanted no part of. Astonished me that he said something rational and perceptive since he has been so rabidly, nonsensically anti-Trump that I usually switch channels when he is on.


Big happening–liberals are beginning to think for themselves again.


If memers can find quotes from the segment, it might make good meme material.

Anonymous ID: 95996f June 5, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.1639151   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9315

Tucker Carlson is exposing Obama's policy of displacing qualified air traffic control candidates with people selected by a questionnaire on social and economic disadvantages.


Is this really what the dem base wants? Or is this another destructive action BHO secretly pushed through knowing dem media and acolyte base would never question anything he did?


Could this relate to takeoff/landing airplane accidents?

Anybody know if similar misguided criteria was used for hiring ground crews, maintenance personnel, and pre-flight safety inspectors?