How do you bold something? Anon has tried and tried and tried…
8 kun is not Apple friendly…
Hold the apostrophe down until a menu come up with 4 versions of the apostrophe. Use the one all the way to the right (3x).
Thank you anon. Any note takers or bakers here?
Anon can make a thread- but not really. Learning curve is slow for iphone fags like me.
Anon aspires to have monkey status- but deems it unachievable.
He chose a poor mate.
Prayers anon!
Just like your ID color…
Her name was Browne?
That’s cool.
That’s very bad ass anon.
Please don’t do it anon.
Know that at the hardest times the Devil tries to kill the light sources.
He doesn’t want you here or he wouldn’t be bothering you so much.
You are anon and that’s not much but it’s something.
That’s an old meme anon.
Idk if it’s a shill or not- but anon doesn’t believe in taking chances.
Been too close to the edge myself in the past and know it’s nothing to play with.
This anon life can get scary sometimes and we can forget to hope.
Baker? Notetaker?