What's the context?
>Jerome Felipe
Ex-NYPD cop arrested with ammo, fake badge, body armor near Capitol
This feels like a FF / sting operation. Magically the items in his possession are the same items being added to gay 2A laws being rushed out.
> Body armor - out of date and ineffective
> 30 round mags
Further since he was an ex cop - they may ply the narrative that no one is to be trusted (cops, military) and all are part of a dangerous domestic terror populace.
Gayest notions I've read in a while.
Nothing is going to happen to Potatus except getting 'seconds' of rice pudding after lunch.
Why would the DS deviate from their successful FF M.O. using/ allowing known mentally deficient patsy's to target various target groups (kids, blacks, LGBT+)?
They even used a doofus today with outdated armor, a bb gun and 30ct mags w/o a firing platform.
Trust me - Potatus is comfy and safe.