Nixon was their boy….
at first.
He kicked against the pricks,
and the pricks kicked back.
Nixon was their boy….
at first.
He kicked against the pricks,
and the pricks kicked back.
He even attended the Cabinet meetings.
GHW was running the show.
Anyhow, the Democrats were in transition to hide their Jim Crow/NAZI connections,
to take on a more Marxist look.
Marxists were cutting into GHW and the NAZIs territories throughout the world.
Behind it all?
The City of London,
the Rothschilds,
pitting one against the other.
W Junior's love affair with Michelle Obama was a signal his dynasty went to the Greater Reset.
She's been importing MS-13 as her army of goons.
Towns like Uvalde are easily usurped by inserting these goons in local government,
or by bribing those that are there.
Pants on fire.
Time to hone skills.