Anonymous ID: bcc076 June 5, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.1639557   🗄️.is 🔗kun




'Trump is a fragile egomaniac and not a true patriot': Philadelphia mayor slams Trump for banning the Eagles Super Bowl champions from the White House because they won't stand for the national anthem

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat, issued a statement condemning President Trump after he cancelled the Eagles' White House reception

The team was due to celebrate their Super Bowl win Tuesday afternoon

Event was called off Monday because less than 10 players planned to attend

The president blamed the event's cancellation on the NFL kneeling protests

White House said some Eagles players 'disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart'


Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney branded President Trump a 'fragile egomaniac' after the Commander-in-Chief called off the Eagles' White House reception to celebrate their Super Bowl win.


Trump called off the White House visit Monday, because several members of the team were planning on skipping the event due to the president's condemnation of the NFL kneeling protests.


The White House said in a statement that some members of the Super Bowl championship team 'disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart'.


'The 1,000 fans planning to attend the event deserve better,' the statement said, referring to the small delegation of less than 10 players that the team planned to send.


In a statement issued Monday, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, who is a Democrat, said Trump's decision to cancel the event proves that the 'President is not a true patriot'.



Anonymous ID: bcc076 June 5, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.1639657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9670 >>9732




>>1639447 a tip for the VideoFag/ SHILL) I call you a SHILL, because i've seen you post horrible shill like memes about Trump & Q before.


AND it is still posting shit shill memes about Trump




See how i posted a relevant video???


Post was talking about the dancing frog,, so i posted the related video.


If you were atleast doing that, your posts would not be so shill like/ slide like.( Besides the obvious CIA CLOWN LOVING POSTS YOU DO) You can pretend and post against CIA, but your trump hooker posts screams CIA CLOWN.


Or if you posted positive videos about Trump, Q or something relevant to our research that would atleast be appreciated.




Call NSA and have them start tracing the people who pay you.

Do something good, for once in your life.


How can you look into the face of any innocent baby or child,, and think hey i'm proud to work for evil POS monsters who rape, torture and eat babies and children.

Does that make you feel good? can you honestly look in the mirror at yourself without vomiting in your own mouth?




There are 2 sides, good or evil ( sure the evil side can pay you lots of money, but at what cost?)

Your soul, your respect, your human dignity?


PS FUCK OFF TO HELL, if you keep working for those EVIL pieces of shit

Anonymous ID: bcc076 June 5, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.1639780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9802 >>9826


Spade was co-founder and designer of Frances Valentine, a handbag and footwear brand that launched in February 2016. In 2018, to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of her new brand, Frances Valentine launched a new campaign called "Where is Kate?" that includes a short film produced and directed by Andy Spade.


Trying to find the where is Kate video.




Here is one from people, with Kate giving tour of her home. I'm about to watch it, see if there are Cabal/cult like items around her home)



Anonymous ID: bcc076 June 5, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.1639946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9992


Spade married Andy Spade, the brother of actor/comedian David Spade, in 1994. The couple has one child, Frances Beatrix Spade, born in February 2005.Her niece is actress Rachel Brosnahan.

Anonymous ID: bcc076 June 5, 2018, 10 a.m. No.1639992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0047


Here is the daily mail story on her death.

And picture of her with her brother in law David Spade.


She had a 13 year old daughter, and was millionaire( no one would kill themselves on purpose , being that rich and comfy)

Either was because she was a sick cabal memeber( killing themselves before the public shaming and Gitmo coming)

Or she knew too much about other members of the cabal, and they silenced her.



Anonymous ID: bcc076 June 5, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.1640152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0177

Tori Spelling, Chris Tucker and ousted Weinstein Co. president are named among California's biggest tax dodgers

California released an updated list of the state's top 500 personal income tax dodgers on Friday

The list included Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott, who owe $282,685

David Glasser, the former Weinstein Co. president who was fired in February, also owes more than $804,000 in taxes

Other famous people who made the list are comedian Chris Tucker, singer Macy Gray, director Nick Cassavetes and rapper/actor Xzibit




Here is the official list

