"Hey-ro hi, howww much foh won-ton gay-peepo up my asssss-ho".
Trump has allowed his initial 80 million followers to be jailed, raped, murdered and stolen from for over 5 years in order to look like some God-king in the history books. His ego has cost us a lot of suffering to bolster his own insecurities, typical world leader shit. Most of you are sheep yourselves, you never question him and worship him like the Left does with Biden.
Personally I've learned a lot from this whole thing myself which is mostly to confirm that I really do indeed dislike pretty much everyone. Best thing to rely on is yourself and family.
I've said it before but why don't we just start our own Galactic Empire? It's God & Country I thought, not Sheep & Retardation.
Saving humanity means moving the best of us forward. Aristotle talked a lot about the necessity of some form of Eugenics (breeding strategy) otherwise the whole herd gets compromised.
Good show with some serious IRL mass murdering (vaccines, gangs), raping, and pillaging. We never needed the precipice, we needed a fucking intervention. Show the sheep what precipice? They'll fall back asleep again. Try to teach a pig how to fly and it just ends up biting you.
Remember Trump giving the story of the snake? How ironic that he ended up being the snake. And you all will keep getting bit and still fall for it. NOT EVEN TO DARE QUESTION HIM. You deserve what you get.
Why tell me to be careful about it and not at least elaborate? I'm not going to put words in your mouth and assume what you mean.
Not saying Trump didn't play his part, God chose him for a reason. But he's fucking up the end-game and is not standing down when he needs to. Story of Noah comes to mind. Played his part then became a horrible alcoholic that shat on his own children.
Blah blah blah. I'm fake news for asking some questions and bringing up reality? No one here can guarantee Q and Trump wasn't a coordinated psy-op, it was all about Planning the Trust so you would Trust the plan. I've already accepted Jesus in my heart and I'm telling you what I decided to write, Jesus didn't stop me and I don't feel guilt.
Incoherent AF.
I'm God's Elite; we have standards. Sacrifice of a fellow human is retardation. Slaughter and consume the flesh and souls of other animals, that's what they're there for.
God ordained it, it's the hierarchy. Humans are the masters / Apex of this domain. If the Reptilian theory of them consuming us to maintain themselves is correct then we obviously have to obliterate them u retards.
I hate everyone; took a while for me to realize I hate my family the least even though they are sheep themselves. At least at my lowest they always forgive me and help me. I stood up for and dealt with all of you more than I did my own family, was a stupid decision.
How dare you accuse me of being a Shitstein. If I was a Talmudic Jew I would have annihilated all of you by now.
I ask the Sun to please get its beams to me whichever way possible but specifically to quantum leap to me to avoid anything between us.