b. Pressurized aircraft.
(1) In flight, if the cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet pressure altitude the provisions of paragraph 8–6a applies.
(2) As a minimum, a 10-minute emergency supply of oxygen will be available to all occupants when the aircraft is
above 14,000 feet pressure altitude. Additional emergency oxygen will be on board when factors such as terrain, weather,
or fuel consumption prevent descent to 10,000 feet cabin pressure altitude, in the event of depressurization.
(3) Above 25,000 feet pressure altitude, oxygen masks will be connected and readily available. Above flight level (FL)
350 the pilot flying will wear and use oxygen if the other pilot must leave the cockpit for any period of time. Above FL
410, one pilot will wear and use oxygen for the entire time spent above FL 410.
(4) If pressurization is lost in flight above 14,000 feet pressure altitude, the descent will be made immediately to a cabin
pressure altitude of 10,000 feet or below. After that, the provisions of paragraph 8–6a applies
everybody posting 17's and Q's these days