you're just a little bitch and your shit's all gay
remember when q sad this then allowed them to steal the election
pretty sweet huh
no, i actually find it hilarious but you're obviously a faggot
sure are a lot of nigger lovers on the kun
top fucking kek
you all got played by that faggot
fuck soros
he's a dirty bolshevik kike who larped as a nsdap soldier to save his own pathetic kike skin
niggers are still garbage
no thanks, kikel
kikes like soros force non-white immigration to white nations then call you a soros shill for standing against that internationalist globohomo bullshit
well fuck you
shove your pilpul weak ass false dichotomy up your gaping sodomite heeb asses
die in a car crash you politically correct nigger
just because you like to watch your wife fuck niggers doesn't mean normal people do
oh well