Mornin', Swordy!
Blessings upon you and yours, anons, QTeam and operators in the field.
ThanQ Baker!
Jim Watkins, the Blade Runner (film was also a Ridley Scott production).
Hauling our servers during 93 dark.
Bless you Jim. Thank you for creating this place for us.
He's balding. You can see where his hairline is regressing.
I like our old-school cheerleader better.
I feel it too, anon.
Something big is coming. This guy sensed it.
SCotUS may rule on Constitutional carry today?
Just to piss you off faggot.
Pro-abortion commercials were everywherebeforethe Alito ruling was leaked.
SCotUS says
Seigel 9-0
Bankruptcy courts must have the same fees.
Sotomayor wrote it.
The court issues opinions in order of reverse seniority. The only possibilities are Sotomayor (again), Alito, Breyer, Thomas, or the Chief.
More from Supremes
Written by Thomas
State may recover medicaid expenses paid when injured party is compensated through another entity.
Only Justice Thomas or Roberts can give remainder of opinions today.
Southwest Airlines
Worker was due arbitration, not considered an interstate commerce worker.
Thomas (Barrett recused)
That's a wrap for today.
Thank you, anon.
Here's the missing ruling from Gallardo:
That blue bump during Clinton was due to Congress grabbing Social Security and dumping it into the general fund. So, kinda bullshit, really.
Those big dips were the too big to fail banks and insurers being bailed out withourmoney after they made bad investments.
Use discernment.
Nature is always a way to get back to where we should be, that is why gardening is so beneficial.
Your deer apparition: