nixon was Ike's VP, then laid down for JFK when he stole 1960….JFK was the' hawk', and Nixon the liberal 'dove' in that contest; 8 years later, and a few assassinations…voila! Nixon the 'conservative' against the whacky hippy loving liberals as the silent majority and southern strategies took form ; then WaterGate was his exit ramp after EPA, gold standard elimination….the whole corn-for-everyone-and-everything debacle ; opened the door to China with Kissinger ; ol' Tricky DIck, the Quaker
Forbidden Chocolate from Friendly is BOGO…$4.99 ; less than gas at $5.09 at the place across the street
Haagen Daz vanilla is another story…outrageous,…something must have happened in the vanilla supply change in madagascar
shipping that one off to normie land ; they love that cat