Lebron is Woke = TRUE
Get Woke Go Broke = TRUE
Lebron is Broke = SOON
Lebron is Woke = TRUE
Get Woke Go Broke = TRUE
Lebron is Broke = SOON
The LDS relationship with the C_A is the same as the grey wolves. LDS was started by the crown, grey wolves was started by Hitler, both have occupied C_A from the start. Back and to the left.
Comics were used to great effect by the Bolshies in Russia to recruit the illiterate masses.
Now now, it is racist to not welcome Moshe's terrorists who he trained to wipe you from the face of the Earth into your community.
He did as he was told and wore his mask! REEEeee
It's true then.
You're 4 color revolutions too fucking late, Ken.
We have minor local politicians openly racketeering together to falsely accuse their "outsider" competition of crimes. This is all they have to campaign on. This is how corrupt the judges and police brass are.
Took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution to the best of your ability, did ya?
Joe Bidans requires incompetent post turtles who are totally dependent on dependent on him for their share of the loot. He chooses women solely to play the gender card when they are called out for fraud, sedition and Treason.
I see lots of dead gangsters in the immediate future.
"So what if it's out of control? Whose control is it in, anyway? If it's out of control, it means we're winning!"
This is the mid-term selections.
Do you mean the brainwashing prisons for children should be burned to the ground and the child abusers and their enablers, executed? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying.
>H.R. 2377 — Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2021; H.R. 7910 — Protecting Our Kids Act
The C_A's accountant