Safely through my latest battle with /them/. More to come. Thank you for all your prayers last night, Anons, that was very encouraging and helpful.
If border-crossing kids are being enslaved, I hope the perps get caught and the news is widespread, so the illegals get the message: Dont come here.
Sports are unimportant and need to be put back in the proper place of mere entertainment.
Was that the grandmother that the cabal offed at the beginning of Billy's first term?
Maybe the training revealed that he's a RATHITH and must quit.
YMCA Cop and Soldier
Some anon said theres no such thing as evil. Ha Ha!
He wouldnt be missed any more than McStain.
It's a never-ending battle, it's not going to be like a football game, it's over, we won. It will rage on.
Screw the NFL and the Super Bowl. The SB and playoffs are horrid satanic spectacles. Dont watch and DONT LET YOUR KIDS WATCH! POINT OUT TO YOUR KIDS THE EVIL SYMBOLISM AND RITUALS. REDPILL YOUR KIDS! THEY KNOW SOME ALREADY.
"Sealed" hasnt been doing /us/ much good really. POTUS is showing a sense of impatience with the DOJ.
I agree with his decision and would prefer to see less sports teams in the news and at the WH. Sports arent important.
Confirm more POTUS appointments. Hundreds more to come…
Gateway Pundit is my no . 1, then realclearpolitics for the whole purview.
Steve is so blind, he has accidentally poked holes in two different Picassos he has owned, one very recently. After being repaired, the first one increased in value anyway.
Some hottie I used to date asked me for a $2500 Chanel bag for her b'day. I just laughed. This girl drives a Honda Civic.
W's are in my area, but I still cant decide which team I despise more. What's sad is that so many working-class people spend their money on this garbage.
The Cal vote is all fraud. Not worthwhile, not at this juncture.
That's my sense as well. Safety.
"Survivor?" I thought he wasnt even there?!
Yeah, I turn him off if he comes on.
I'm mad because shes a fucking ignorant bitch who wont go away.
Better if confirmed though.
Im always looking for new sources. Whats your no 1 go-to?
And the $17 she has on her.
So precious. And lame.
The Cal vote is a joke. They dont even send me my (I) ballot anymore.
Real genius at work there.
He paid a $400 fine. Case closed.
Making it more clear that the tariffs are a good thing.
Purging the voting rolls and monitored the vote are the only "real" election issues imo.
Unclear so far what were the motives of Mohammud, Ali, Mustafa and Abdul.