In my town, it’s true. Lots of suspicious deaths of relatively youngish people (40s and 50s). Would be poor taste to call and ask hey, did they get the shot?, so I just assume. I know of 2 confirmed deaths, one relative, 49 and a friend had a miscarriage.
Kek… was just watching a documentary about the stigma of hillbillies. They tracked this guy down and he’s alive, was working at Walmart. He looks pretty much the same. It was on Tubi.
I almost bought one, but I got smartened up :)
Was hoping you’d ask! It was a good movie.. little heavy on the orangemanbad, but here’s the link. Right around the 41:00 mark is where you can start. His name is Lonnie. Pushing carts at the 43:03 mark. Hope you like it.
Thx! Was going off the screen captions.
The medical world as a whole is moving genderless, part of why I quit my job.
I agree. Men can’t get uterine cancer and it’s a mental disease to pretend they can. I tell everyone the two reasons why I quit and everyone agrees it’s insanity…
You bring up an interesting point. They may be able to design an incubator but they will never be able to replicate a key factor, love, the love most women have for their baby.
I feel this ties into the abortion push, to dissociate the baby as a thing, an intruder,
Agree.. was simply referring to the mother as the carrier of the baby.
I hear ya! What I was trying to say is the baby in utero, feels, hears, tastes.. absorbs all sorts of things from the mother (and voice of the father).. things that cannot be replicated in a lab. Babies in the womb feel love that the mother provides. There is and will never be a suitable, normal substitute.
>emotionless monsters
For carrying out 187, or used like a pick n pull for parts, no doubt.
Thank God for you anons, sometimes I tell people things like this and they think I’m crazy.
>He really is a dumb burnout.
My actor “friend” says he’s just really out there. Not sure if he’s playing a part acting or really dumb. Apparently he is known for sitting along streets in hwood, looking like a homeless person asking people what time it was. This was about 5 yrs ago so can’t imagine his intellect has improved.
Yes.. the ones who watch msm. They say “you’ve been watching too many sci-fi shows” not realizing their so-called reality is just that. Funny, really.
I think your wife needs Gillette, anon.
Indeed. :)
Stephen king, is that you?
You definitely have a way with words and I hope you can channel it to the good.
If these make it to Chinatown… hoo boy.
Thanks for no +. Am just biding my time to 751 then back to chores. :) I rarely spend a ton of time here anymore and it’s been fun just to feel the pulse of the board..
Agree.. ideally a husband and wife should agree and vote as one.