Man my bonus counter is still going up from last bread dude. I gained like four levels since last bread. Keep losing!
Images featuring cats cannot be stopped.
Although I'd hesitate to call myself pro-pig, he passes muster due to the internet rule of cat immunity.
The "Q" box in the background is from QVC. An airman's granny has a TV shopping habit. It's not a secret squirrel message.
I know a similarly addicted old lady and her house is filled with those QVC boxes. This isn't her but you can see it's their trademark font.
Maybe but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. A crowd of young kids is going to be irresistible to the senile old pervert. So such a photo op could have been purposefully set up. At the time LGB was a relatively new meme and old Joe ain't paying attention to any of that.
So edgy with the kunspeak. How about you explain to the class "how this works" motherfucker.
You changed my mind and I was agreeing with you sorta but ok.
You got the pics? So you're admitting to possession of such material?
You mean on pornhub? AFAIK there was no kiddy stuff there. If you mean the laptop, the laptop was found. That's where the kid stuff is supposed to be and AFAIK no one has seen any of it save Rudy G, the FBI, cops and news organizations.