so trendy much wow
by the time that second one opened, the door had already been remodeled and the walls painted
so trendy much wow
by the time that second one opened, the door had already been remodeled and the walls painted
>how to have your country legally subverted 101
>Better ((((((((global mobility))))))))
glowniggers in full gaslight mode
>As of 2020, the Fortune 500 companies represent approximately two-thirds of the United States's Gross Domestic Product with approximately $14.2 trillion in revenue, $1.2 trillion in profits, and $20.4 trillion in total market value. These revenue figures also account for approximately 18% of the gross world product. The companies collectively employ a total of 29.2 million people worldwide, or nearly 0.4% of the world's total population.
they're all beholden to the bankers
money rules politics
and the average person is looked over quite often for the sole benefit of the corporations
the entire system, as it currently is, couldn't give two shits about joe and suzy americana other than their monetary value to the slave system
>election stolen
<america winning
>r's arrested and prosecuted
<america winning
>gas at all time high
<america winning
>inflation driving the lower class into graves and the middle class to the new lower class as the elites are still exempt
<america winning
>commies burn, loot, and murder for months on end all across america and are free to keep doing it
<america winning
>some people show disgust with the corrupt politicians at the capitol in the open and get killed by traitorous government officials
<america winning
>food plants across the country burn down
<america winning
>unfettered, unrelenting stream of foreign invader fighting aged males coming across southern border
<america winning
>having swamp judges allow their fellow swamp creatures to get off scot-free
<america winning
not today, agent
go kill yourself you fucking fed faggot
current gas prices at the cheapest place in town
and these fucking glowing niggers straight outta fukushima are trying to say you're not paying more out of pocket
it's just a figment of your imagination that those dollars are flowing out of your pocket, goyim!
it's all just fake news, goyim!
dumb fucking niggers
<just a figment of your imagination, goy!
everything stated was provable you fucking nigger
just because you share a shadilay mp4 doesn't make you highest ranking anon with your false dichotomy bullshit
you can kill yourself too
the last trick of these fed faggots is project being a shill onto pissed off americans to justify their shitty existence in their shit stained cubicle putting down rebellion in any and all online discussion