אם הבייגל שלו מריח כמו למינגים וג'ין, מפזרים עליו מעט חמאת בוטנים
אם הבייגל שלו מריח כמו למינגים וג'ין, מפזרים עליו מעט חמאת בוטנים>>16415944
הוביטים אמיתיים בוחרים ג'יף קרמי
you married a monster huh
נסיך דרורים עדיין אבוד>>16415970
נסיך דרורים עדיין אבוד
דניאל ילקק את הגבול כל הדרך עד לדלת של מור
סוס פנים טוואקר מזויף התחת הנאצי licker נתפס הונאה מלקקים עורלה @GAHYBARR
זה לא תירס
זה לא תירס
זה לא תירס
זה לא תירס
>fear of his anal virginity and without being told why he was there all because
^call trevor
>^call trevor
i called trevor
and spoke to a real black juw millionaire tranny bout mah feels
it was all free too
>>^call trevor
>i called trevor
>and spoke to a real black juw millionaire tranny bout mah feels
>it was all free too
it was so hot
i fapped mah lilpeepee too
>>>^call trevor
>>i called trevor
>>and spoke to a real black juw millionaire tranny bout mah feels
>>it was all free too
>it was so hot
>i fapped mah lilpeepee too
then i put on mommy's panties and made a bunch of memes for infowars
>>>>^call trevor
>>>i called trevor
>>>and spoke to a real black juw millionaire tranny bout mah feels
>>>it was all free too
>>it was so hot
>>i fapped mah lilpeepee too
>then i put on mommy's panties and made a bunch of memes for infowars
which got me motivated to call daniel for larps with auntie
>>>>>^call trevor
>>>>i called trevor
>>>>and spoke to a real black juw millionaire tranny bout mah feels
>>>>it was all free too
>>>it was so hot
>>>i fapped mah lilpeepee too
>>then i put on mommy's panties and made a bunch of memes for infowars
>which got me motivated to call daniel for larps with auntie
it was a incestous peanut buttery wonderland all larpy and daniel got to play peter pan
>>>>>>^call trevor
>>>>>i called trevor
>>>>>and spoke to a real black juw millionaire tranny bout mah feels
>>>>>it was all free too
>>>>it was so hot
>>>>i fapped mah lilpeepee too
>>>then i put on mommy's panties and made a bunch of memes for infowars
>>which got me motivated to call daniel for larps with auntie
>it was a incestous peanut buttery wonderland all larpy and daniel got to play peter pan
we were just a couple of unmarried hobbits living in the shire all saphicly and larp
was it 'GAHY' tho?
>>>>>>>^call trevor
>>>>>>i called trevor
>>>>>>and spoke to a real black juw millionaire tranny bout mah feels
>>>>>>it was all free too
>>>>>it was so hot
>>>>>i fapped mah lilpeepee too
>>>>then i put on mommy's panties and made a bunch of memes for infowars
>>>which got me motivated to call daniel for larps with auntie
>>it was a incestous peanut buttery wonderland all larpy and daniel got to play peter pan
>we were just a couple of unmarried hobbits living in the shire all saphicly and larp
we were chasing juw coke and larp batters in perpetual denile
זה לא תירס
trotsky calls himself tony now in ajijic
זה לא תירס