Before Grammar Kitty hunts you down and erases your existence, let me help you out with some editing!
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>[Woman] (Menstrual) Period Can Disappear [by consuming] (If Move To) Correct Food Diet
>Source, More Information:
>I know (a lot of) secret[s] of [the] human body.
>(Do you) [I] know that (woman) [the menstrual] period (release of uterus lining once per month) can be avoided and disappear?
>(Woman)[The menstrual] period is just a state when (her)[the] body (have)[has] too much toxin because of wrong eating choices !
>(If any)[a] woman switch[es] to [a] healthy food diet, then that “painful blood period” will [be] gone and disappear forever !!!
>But that hidden knowledge you will never able to know, the authority/government and the media will never tell you !
>What is the correct healthy food diet?
>You must find out on your own via real life experience.
>I do know what (are they) [they are] but [will] only tell (if receive) [by] request.
>Best Regard,
>The Savior Messiah Buddha
>Source, More Information:
Fun, but I will be employing the filter button now.