White people are descended from race-mixing with Gods. All non-whites are pure monkey.
fuck you AND your crew
We obviously live in the dark ages because this nigger right here is living in intellectual darkness. It doesn't matter. You're going to hell when you die, or even better, you'll just return to dust.
I'll fuck your wife later.
I fucked your dad.
Gross. She's ugly.
I love reading Tolkien because there's NO niggers in it.
This is what happens when we pretend niggers are humans.
your mama LOL OWNED. You just got ALPHA-MALED, bitch
Black people are literal monkeys.
Bill Barr's /ourgay/. Stop being a shill.
Spoiler dat shit
There's no point in voting ever again. If they can get away with stealing a presidential election, what's the fucking point?
Absolute state of this shitty-ass board.
I hate modern American women so fuckin' much.