region came up a few digs back re: solar panels glowing in a straight line on satrad. >dews were implied, but not confirmed
>4:01PM = 16:01 = 17
>[29], almost [30] years now, we’ve been working pretty intensely since 2014 to develop combat capacity,” said Baldwin. “The [proof] is in the pudding…
Q2930: Q Proofs, DECLAS
>[J]ames [O]. [E]ifert = JOE
>the National Guard is partnered with [23] European nations, including [14] NATO allies
PAIN for Bidan
23:14 = 5:5
>accomplishing [theater] campaign objectives by conducting [30] engagements in eight countries, with another [12] scheduled this fiscal year.
Q1827 (incl. 3012): Previews are over. Showtime!, Popcorn DP.jpg
MH-60S Knighthawk/Seahawk
Sikorsky, Lockheed Martin / Owego, General Electric
MV-22B Osprey
Bell-Boeing, Rolls Royce
>was thinking failure of shared components between aircraft (organic or otherwise), but diff manufacturers