FOR REFERENCE: Taking note of still wet condition/appearance of street and sidewalks after midnight when last recorded rainfall on 31DEC2013 was at 2:50pm. Rainfall occurred for 4 hours that day from 11:50 to 2:50pm, 9 hours earlier.
This might be used to eliminate night time Q pics on the 13th which also had 4 hours of recorded rain from 2:50pm to 6:50pm, the last of which occurring 4 hours AFTER the last recorded rain on NYE on which night the ground still being visibly wet. Using this clue, the ground at EMB would also be visibly wet until 4am on the 13th.
15DEC had 8 hours of recorded rain, double that of NYE, from 11am to 7pm. I think this should eliminate this date for the PICCADILLY/Britannia pics as they were taken before sunset when the street lamps were coming on. Also eliminate the RED BUS pic for this date as it appeared from slight shadows to be mid afternoon. (Sunset was approx. 3:50pm.) Possibly eliminating WW on this date due to the 8 hours of rain but, the ground cover being different it might have done better to absorb the rain.
16DEC also had 4 hours of recorded rain from 3:50pm to 7:50pm, the last of which again occurring 4 hours after that recorded on NYE. Again, comparing with NYE still showing wet streets and sidewalks 9 hours after recorded rainfall of 4 hours duration, one could expect on this evening to see wet streets until 5am the next morning in the EMB pics on this evening and, MAYBE an early morning CH pic the next morning.
21DEC had 10 HOURS of recorded rainfall from 6:50am to 4:50pm. This would, using the NYE model for wet streets 9 hours after 4 hours of rain, eliminate this day for PICCADILLY, RED BUS, EMB and likely WW for being soaked.
23DEC had 8 HOURS of rain from 8:50am to 4:50pm, again twice that recorded on NYE, and the last of which recorded 2 hours after that of NYE. So we could logically expect similar wet ground appearance til 2 or 3am the next morning. This day’s rain would exclude RED BUS, PICCADILLY and likely EMB and WW for this evening.
30DEC had 6 HOURS of rain from
6:50am to 12:50pm. The last recorded rain this day is 2 hours before that on NYE, so although it had more rain it could have dried out prior to midnight, so maybe allowing for late evening pics. But the PICCADILLY and RED BUS pics are likely excluded for this date.
31DEC had 4 hours of rain from 10:50am to 2:50pm. This rainfall was evident 9 hours later around midnight. We can deduce that wet conditions would have been visible in the RED BUS and PICCADILLY pics to exclude those on this date. The night pics at EMB and CH this evening would not be excluded by wetness but would certainly be excluded due to expected evidence of NYE celebrations.
I haven’t included the WW lights dates that excluded dates for that location.