Anonymous ID: 14a38a June 11, 2022, 9:37 a.m. No.16430605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0614

Around 1834, the Anti-Masonic Party began a rapid disintegration with some of its members helping to establish the new Whig Party and others migrating to the Democratic Party.


The Anti-Masonic Party was the original third party to be active on the national scene. Popular opinion in America generally opposed secret organizations, but Freemasonry largely escaped this scrutiny because so many prominent citizens were members. Exemption from criticism ended for the Masons in 1826. In that year a bricklayer from Batavia, New York, William Morgan, disappeared. He had formerly been a Mason and was on the verge of publishing an exposé of Masonic secrets.

Anonymous ID: 14a38a June 11, 2022, 9:57 a.m. No.16430687   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WE often profit more by our enemies than by our friends. “We support ourselves only on that which resists,” and owe our success to opposition. The best friends of Masonry in America were the Anti-Masons of 1826, and at the same time they were its worst enemies. Men are but the automata of Providence, and it uses the demagogue, the fanatic, and the knave, a common trinity in Republics, as its tools and instruments to effect that of which they do not dream, and which they imagine themselves commissioned to prevent.

Anonymous ID: 14a38a June 11, 2022, 11:14 a.m. No.16431059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I find this interesting as it was Ham that stole Adam's mantle aka the mantle of Shinar, which was given to Noah by Methuselah and he by Enoch.

Ham then gave it Kush who hid it then gave it to Nimrod.

Nimrod set his symbol as the dragon, built Shinar and with Abraham's grandfather, Serug and his companions (mason?) under Nimrod entered into the "secret combination"…


Where's the gematriafag? do these numbers make sense to you?