There once was a faggot shill who karped as anon
but only posted fake and ghey fear pr0n
He suck on a dick
so hard it came quicj
and after his post he was gone.
There once was a faggot shill who karped as anon
but only posted fake and ghey fear pr0n
He suck on a dick
so hard it came quicj
and after his post he was gone.
FFS, anon really sgould proofread
There once was a faggot shill who arped as anon
but only posted fake and ghey fear pr0n
He sucked on a dick
so hard it came quick
and after his post he was gone.
Oooh yeah, trigger me harder, baby.
I tried, Kek
You think this is organic, anon?
Like the Rockefeller funded Women's liberation movement in the 60s?
As an aside, my mother stopped producing before I was weaned and apparently I refused the bottle. She was young and naรฏve and had no maternal guidance and so tried to feed me on solids. My paternal grandmother coincidentally came for a visit from another country where she lived and upon seeing my plight (I was suffering malnutrition from being incapable of digesting solids). decided to kidnap me and flee with me in the middle of the night.
I never did hear the story from her lips before she died.
How did anon guess that the circled name would be Evergreen?
>I am trying to question the general situation that "millions" of mothers need industrial, artificial "formula"
I understand, anon, and can't help but wonder if this situation hasn't been engineered to cause more people to do the same.
>There were no witnesses to Bono's fatal accidentโฆ.
When the tree jumped out and clocked him as he was skiing downhill.
The real reason behind the Suez blockage.