Frank & Jim Zell investigation of Leavitt case in Utah
''UPDATE JUNE 12, 2022''
Utah County Case: Saturday Night Update
[In June 9 update, spoke of a NEW SOURCE feeding them info:]
We spoke again briefly with our Source in Utah County. Here are the highlights….
Concerning County Commissioners meeting: “Due to the media light on the meeting, The Commissioners could not pull the trigger on Sheriff Mike Smith. For a County Attorney(Leavitt), he has unprecedented…no…unprecedented is not a big enough word….he has unthinkable control of the Commissioners.”
Concerning the 151 Page Report: ”There was Satanic Ritualism in the report.”
Concerning David Leavitt: “There was an interview out there. Allegedly, Leavitt bartered to have custody of a Native American baby. There are many safeguards in place, and a lot of paperwork involved in an adoption. Especially an adoption of a baby from a Reservation.It does not look like all procedures were followed.
Concerning The Utah County Ring: “Some of the members of this ring come in from out of state. There may be other people involved from New York City who were involved with the Anna Gristina case.”
Concerning the Media: ” They are all scared. Afraid to be sued. But, ''there was a plan for all of the local media to come together at once to go after Leavitt.But a monkey wrench was thrown into the mixand disrupted the plan.”
The Source has agreed to try to introduce us to others in the community who are also connected to the case. We will keep on updating as information comes in……….
SEE ALSO: Utah County Commissioners Setting Their Sights On Sheriff Mike Smith?
>>16433430, >>16433432 Frank & Jim Zell investigation of leavitt scandal in Utah
Frank & Jim Zell talk on Quite Frankly, 6-9-2020.
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