>>16435544 lb
Notorious Crisis Actor-ess
Will Work for Murderers, Gangsters and Money
>>16435544 lb
Notorious Crisis Actor-ess
Will Work for Murderers, Gangsters and Money
The invasion of Russia isn't going as planned. The queer puppets have not genocided the white Russians yet. Moving the government to Moscow is on hold. Be assured, Moscow is The New Jerusalem.
2 more casualties of the MSM mind rape
Gun control is a fake campaign issue, same as the state or federal abortion dog whistle. They are avoiding the real issues. They are all illegitimate, state and federal, because Bidan is illegitimate and they go along with it. Sold out
Yes, this is 911. Are you armed? Why isn't you armed? We don't have no gas.
Don't provide anything to these criminals. Let them eat their own.
Go scout USPS