hey baker, what does the bread title mean?
full moon comin'
anons used to at least pretend not to be driven by ego but alas, times have changed
i have so many questions about this meme
>what is up with his hair
>why is year cut off
>why not 17 scoops
>boo you whore
he looks like he has a mustache too
precipice? now? we're not even at the brink of nuclear war yet? and no bread lines. 2 things i expect to happen when we get to the precipice. seem to be getting closer though. 45 said we'd go through a depression like the Great Depression. expect that too, all of his other predictions have come true.
how do we know it's you?
BO and/or Jim
what's up with the facebook certificate for this site? doesn't happen every time but this is the second time i saw it.
kek, don't give him the attention he's desperate for