Good Morningโฆ
I have the directions to the circus right hereโฆ.
somewhere . . .
"Come on Man. RealRawNews doesn't have a grift network on Telegram" - Joe Biden
What's on TV?
(the click)
Sorry, I was imagining another squirrel had to be let loose in another Democrat Neighborhood, I was imagining their tails painted pink and it's been THREE today..
My imagination is so good I can't tell the difference if it was a just a dream of bringing the pink unicorn love to the hood.
I suppose if your a democrat and your tomatoes have bite marks from a HANGRY Squirrel with a pink tail, I might be a sleep walker.
>tomatoes destroyed
In my mind the apple tree was getting raped by a pink squirrel. But only in my mind.
You vill eat the pink squirrels and be happy
Democrats are all just halucinating, they didn't see someone with ultra maga shirt and a squirrel cage full of pink squirrels in California.
I had a dream where we painted them pink and released them back in the Guatamalan Jungle.
2 + 2 = 4 Mark dice has a surprise for you,.