The Fed Isn't Fighting Inflation, It's Fueling It
<June 13, 2022
<Commies at the Helm, CHANGE MY MIND.jpeg
The Fed Isn't Fighting Inflation, It's Fueling It
<June 13, 2022
<Commies at the Helm, CHANGE MY MIND.jpeg
>to who?
>who thinks that?
>who the fuck in the whole world thinks that?
K, Most of the US leadership is NATO and therefore ALSO GLOBO HOMO.
USA giving any aid to Ukraine is the definition of "not the Good Guys". Any way you slice it, the USA is currently run by Satanic Pedofile Globohomo freaks.
>WHs think it is in the best interest of Americans not to shatter the myth that America is one of the good guys.
They're wrong.
The criminals in government are indicted and imprisoned. SmithMundt restored with aggressive prejudice. This is just for starters.
Put that shit on Fagbook and report back.
George magazine December 1998
Sean Penn
Flag Burning