So this is one army guy aka gov employee (admits it), right in the middle of 2018's Orange Man Bad madness, and he goes on the chans, tells everyone give up, nothing you can do, and coincidentally keep off social media, don't make connections, don't be vocal, above all don't have any clout.
Yet all this time, the left networks and recruits and propagandises and infiltrates at every level, believing they'll each (from trans activists to shariah law enthusiasts) get their promised paradise? But anons MUST give up all hope?
ANONS must stay small and live in dread?
Forgive me if I don't drink from the bottle marked Pure Poison, Effective Against For Mind, Body & Spirit like it's my only option, at least not when I see everyone else seated at the same table, chowing down on juicy beefsteaks.
Demoralization & incitement to violence seem to be about the main tools shills have left to rely on, since everything from Pussygate to "Q's a larp" fell flat, or even backfired.
Not to mention far more RV's and similar types see something completely different…
Think I'll stick with Dig, Meme, Pray if you don't mind, and look for ways to expand my social media reach as often as possible.
If doom is inevitable anyway, better to face it knowing one did everything possible, and not haunted by that nagging thought, "What if?"