Whatever happened to that fat fuck Tony? He sure disappeared off the face of the Earth not long after POTUS Trump took office.
Foreplay is key. Make sure it's nice and moist.
The LGB's are waking up to the fact that the T+'s are fucking over all they've worked towards.
>but if we're going to be in a serious political discussion,
It's a rare talent it seems.
No, you put them front and center, just like we witnessed. Did the whole country know who Adam Schiff was before POTUS Trump? How about Brennan, or Comey, or any of the regular suspects? POTUS pulled the plug. The swamp is still draining. Takes time.
Define QAnon.
I can do this all day, cupcake.
We ain't seen nothing yet, anon.
That reminds me… I need to import some more Irn-Bru. Them Scots sure made a tasty soda.
ATTN SHILLS:You are like mosquitos landing on an elephant with the intention of rape when you go toe to toe with anons here. Remember that.
Back when kids were raised with "sticks and stoned may break your bones." Now they're raised with "words are literally violence."
Time for a luxurious 3-pass shave (wtg, xtg, atg) with a 5/8" hollow point Solingen straight razor. I'll smell great when I'm done, but not like a daisy.