anonAmericanfag spotted
How fucking dare anyone highlight the posts of others?
Libs of Tic Tok should be imprisoned for such heinous behaviour.
ESl teacher is a lert and, damn, this board needs more fucking lerts.
much to a bloodied anon's surprise when anon decided to hand feed one, anon discovered that these fuckers have razor sharp fucking bills.
Mess with them at your own peril.
Shit, thanks yokel grammar kitty.
Sell swords have been around since the dawn of war, but the MSM ain't gonna tell you this.
Dubs confirm.
> I don't think its a bot because it makes too many mistakes.
Kek, because bots can't be programmed to fuck up.
>His memes are effective,
OK, serious question time:
Are you fucking serious?
Do you know what an effective meme is?
Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
Are you paid to be here or do your prostitute your services for free?
Are you the poster who identifies as the IP hopping Mr. Pig or are you part of the Mr. Pig paid coterie?
>sure can look at all those folks that are still wearing a mask
Kek, Touché, anon, touché.
Ooooh, the pigbot chimes in.
Too fucking soon, anon.
What, you didn't know Trump has already endorsed Palin?
What fucking planet are you on?
Anon isn't even an Americananon and knew these days ago!
Ciao, cock sucker
Thank you for your comment.
But it's a faggot parody account so has the significance of my farts when I eat refried beans.