Anonymous ID: e55bb9 June 17, 2022, 12:34 a.m. No.16460551   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0557 >>0718 >>0836 >>0962 >>0966

Russian Ministry of Defense Release on US Biological Activity in Ukraine 06/16/22

16 June 2022




Russian Ministry of Defense releases new official briefing, slides and documentation pertaining to US biological malfeasance! Direct accusations of violation of the Nuremberg Code and more direct evidence against Hunter Biden!


1) Experiments on mentally ill people:


Here Russia shows a series of facilities they are accusing of unethical medical experimentation and in violation of the Nuremberg Code.


They show a black site experimental lab in Kharkov, 4 million dollar facility built with funds from the Pentagon, disguised as a pharmaceutical facility. In addition to the surrounded labs and psychiatric wards where they were using to supply subjects for the experiments.


These allegations are not to be taken lightly. The punishment for the accused crime is death.


2) Research of mosquitoes as carriers of vector-born infections:


Remember that Russia is hyper focused on Veterinary facilities and animal vectors for biological weapons. Think Mariupol and Nicaragua.


Here in this slide Russia shows US funding sent to US facility in Ukraine, in which they conducted experiments to use mosquitos as vectors, and 30% of scientists involved are formerly related to WMDs.


The US claims the function of the mosquitos as vectors, would be to “counteract disease” from natural mosquitos. Very similar to the US DARPA program Insect Allies, that uses bug armies to “counteract disease” and prevent famine to crops.


The US created biologically charged bug armies capable of spreading any number of pathogens. While claiming to fight disease, they are in fact spreading it themselves for political gain and geopolitical advantages. Using it to strike famine on militaristic enemies to beat them economically, by killing off livestock, crops, and labor force, aka humans.


3) Historical facts on US military and biological activities:


In the next slide, Russia builds on the former slide of US using animal


vectors to target humans, livestock, and crops. They go on to show the numbers of infectious human, animal, and plant diseases that were unleashed on Cuba in the 80s, amid tensions between US and Cuba during the Cold War.


Castro directly accused the US CIA of using biological weapons on Cuba, and the numbers would suggest it was not accidental. And given we know the US has these capabilities, it’s highly probable Castro was telling the truth. That’s not an endorsement of Fidel Castro, but the US are not innocent.


Russia then goes to show supporting reports of CIA involvement with African Swine Fever outbreak in Cuba.



Anonymous ID: e55bb9 June 17, 2022, 12:36 a.m. No.16460558   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0560 >>0718 >>0836 >>0962 >>0966

For those who are wondering why the significance of veterinary facilities and why Russia seems to be targeting them, because the veterinary facilities are where the “defensive” pathogens become biological weapons.


The US are claiming that the creation of C19 and other dangerous pathogens does not fall under “offensive biological weapon production”. They claim the gain of function research is “peaceful”. Well when they introduce this pathogen to a vector, say an animal with intent to carry this pathogen, together, the animal vector and the pathogen now become a “weapon”.


Same with the aerosol canisters attached to drones, used to remotely disperse airborne water particles which could contain pathogens. Once you introduce an avenue to administer these pathogens, that’s when it technically becomes a weapon as per the BWC (Biological Weapons Convention).


Think of all the biological activity in relation to animals:


-Main target for Russian military was a veterinary laboratory in Mariupol, Ukraine.

-Russian military moves into Nicaragua, home to US funded BSL-3 veterinary laboratory.

-Fauci using beagles as test dummies for fly-bite transmission research.

-Gates Foundation unleashing genetically modified mosquitos.

-CDC monkeys carrying dangerous pathogens escaping in Pennsylvania

-Dangerous animal research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.

-Monkeypox outbreaks carried by rats and prairie dogs.

-Russia accusations of US of using migratory birds to pass pathogens to Ukraine and Russia.

-US DARPA program “Insect Allies” on the books biological program to equip bug armies with “peaceful” pathogens to “save” crops and agriculture.


So many instances of government utilization of animals as vectors for disease. And these accusations from Russia aren’t all that secret. Even the left-wing media have talked about it.


See our lovely friends from Vice wrote this article back in March about the “crazy conspiracy” that Russia is pushing that the US are using migratory birds to spread disease and cause famine by killing crops.


Keep in mind Vice also wrote an article saying that there were no biolabs in Ukraine and that was a “crazy conspiracy”. They said the same thing about the Hunter Biden Laptop…


Seems everything they call a conspiracy theory turns out to be real. Imagine that.



Anonymous ID: e55bb9 June 17, 2022, 12:38 a.m. No.16460564   🗄️.is đź”—kun

In Albion’s Seed, Fischer offered a framework for how to think about the first three centuries of American history. Most early migrants to the United States from the island shared by England, Wales, and Scotland, which ancient Greek geographers called “Albion,” can be divided into four groups:


In the first half of the 17th century, about 20,000 Puritans moved to New England to found a progressive utopia where everything not forbidden was mandatory. From there they spread out across the northern latitudes of the United States, with Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco as the ultimate post-Puritan progressive outposts.


In the middle of the 17th century, while the leftist Puritans were temporarily on top in English politics, rightist Cavaliers migrated from England to Virginia to more or less reproduce the English class structure in their own conservative utopia. Moving out from the Chesapeake Bay, their descendants populated the lowland South.


In the late 17th century, William Penn set up Pennsylvania as a moderate utopia for his fellow Quakers, and invited Continental Europeans of similar religious values. From there they dispersed across the upper middle latitudes of the United States, with Southern California as the eventual end of the line for the Midlanders.


Finally, from 1715 to 1775, the Scots-Irish from the violent border region of England and Scotland, often with a stop in Northern Ireland, headed for the American frontier. They preferred healthy if hardscrabble highlands like the Appalachians and Ozarks to the richer but more fever-ridden lowlands. They established an ornery utopia of minimal government, from which, once your neighbors started to get on your nerves, you’d light out for the latest frontier.


Over time, non-British immigrants tended to flock to the regions where the British groups with whom they had the most in common had set their impress. For instance, Scandinavians followed Puritans to Minnesota, while Germans and Dutch tended to go to the middle Midwest where Pennsylvania was the role model.