Not a ref to q posting exactly.
Not on Truth.
Q identity on truth == q til June 14 as I understand.
June 14, change>upcase == Q. Why?
Had me scratching my head. May mean nothing.. but looked.
What's the diff? None obvious other than the character.
q - lower case ==hex71 dec113
Q- Upcase ==hex51 dec 81
Delta - 20hex 32dec
Application keyspace 20hex == space key
Jun 14 happenstances in space google>>
Kennedy space ctr - 1967 Mariner 5 launch - link to nowhere
2008 OSTM/Jason-2 launch
Review Jason-2 analysis water depth in pacific ocean
Launch june 14, mission July 4-14
10 days watching the water
Again, not sure it means anything; but, interesting coincidences and coincidence typically not a kosher word.