english your first language?
Trump admits he's a spy??
vewy intwesting
talk about a twist in the story
english your first language?
Trump admits he's a spy??
vewy intwesting
talk about a twist in the story
Here are the choices in both civil and criminal cases: American justice destroyed by the "Bar Association" which sets standards – and which nearly all attorneys follow
civil cases = 1/3 of your winnings if settled out of court
1/2 of your winnings if you go to court
(court is so complicated, and evidence is so hard to do)
Plead out – say you're guilty, take lesser sentence
Settle out of court – attorneys regularly like this choice
Go into debt fighting your case
I think it began in Iowa, and didn't end in NYC
this is only one of many who followed the democrat primaries
click on a state on the side board
read 'em and weep
these are links to articles that expose the fraud during the California primary
this video tells it all about how california handles elections
little training for poll workers
delivered ballots and machines to poll worker homes the night before
ANYONE can be a poll worker
once a poll worker they immediately get asked to be an inspector w/o any training
"its a shit show" is how they describe it
"UNCOUNTED - The Story of the California Election"