Anonymous ID: 1f0897 June 5, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.1646772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6831 >>6903 >>7014 >>7027 >>7054 >>7234 >>7247



Don't think anyone will look at this so i'm linking OP It's a

solution to the Helper anons post from bread#2068

>>1644357 (prev Bread)

>>1645539 (prev Bread 2069)

>>1644955 (prev Bread 2070))



Throwing it out there, Hope you can see the connections

here I believe they are



Specifically the dates of founding of NSC/CIA and Don JR's

Ditching SS protection, Eisenhowers original D-day Invasion

Date jun 5th (today), and the Building the WhiteHouse assassin

had clearance for Eisenhower executive office building 17th st.

Hopefully that peaks your interest enough to follow the rest.

I assure you, the Helper Anon was not kidding, this is Full-Autism Mode.


Working on Img 1 of helper anons post related to Martese Maurice Edwards White House Murder Fugitive.


Significant Information Regarding Edwards


(gonna jump around a bit please bare with me)


Edwards was NSC contractor.

NSC was created

September 18th

1947 (same day Don Jr dropped SS protection 70 years later in 2017)

The chAir Force was also established as a separate branch

september 18th 1947=

(who controls skys)

CIA Created same date, Sept 18 1947

NSC's was created with a congressional mandate to coordinate US foreign/Defense policy (Military industrial complex/bilderbergs)


May 17th

Edwards is charged with Murder, Gina Haspel is also Confirmed as CIA director.

Search warrant for Weiner's electronic devices unsealed. May 17


Mar 17th

Don Jr. Son is "selfied" with secret service, a white house fence jumper is on the grounds

'17'' minutes, and a secret service (((LapTop is Stolen)))

June 5th

Eisenhowers Original scheduled D-day Date


May 15th

1776 The Fifth Virginia Convention (paves way for Declaration)

1911 Standard Oil “unreasonable” Monopoly under Sherman anti-trust

1948 Arab–Israeli War begins

1963 final Mercury mission, Mercury-Atlas 9

2018 Q_post 1776


Nov 1st

941 Pearl harbor

1971 Eisenhower dollar circulated

1993 The Maastricht Treaty, (the Treaty on European Union comes into effect)

2018 Q post Sonic Weapons 'fantasy'


Edwards had clearance for the 'Eisenhower'' executive office building (symbolic offices of POTUS Vice POTUS)



Why did (trust)Sessions sit on a murder fugitive for 19 days from (may 17-jun 5) who had access to the WH?


Sessions/POTUS/Q knew about the Cabal Through Airforce Intel of the assassination plot, October 16th 2017 (date POTUS blames Cuba for sonic attack) to June 5th 2018 (date Martese is arrested) is 133 days (i bet Anons can find a list from Bildebergs with 133 attendees listed instead of 131)


Gonna go through QPost from Nov1st 2017 breifly given these facts.


Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Sonic weapon or Manchurian Candidate, would believe either one Boss.

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power

to ensure future safety & control.

Like Murder?

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

September 18th 2017

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

Origionally thought Bait, but after the selfies with SS/Laptop fuckary, SS don't seem like Frens

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

How about the CCJIS FBI's Largest Divison? Responsible for Pedos/Traffickers/Fugitives/SS protective files/Gangs. Could you maybe have Them leak (trust Sessions) a threat within the whitehouse?

These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and

analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.

Don't want to tip your hand to future events. Anon is Tracking.


I'm kind of shot, gonna pick this up tomorrow with Img 2.

Also, there is a screen cap of both posts (requested by another anon)

that Doesn't have my Annotations on it in case anyone else

wants to help out. I haven't done much with the Bilderbergs

numbers yet, I will tomorrow.


I hope you or another Anon sees this, Godspeed Patriots.

Anonymous ID: 1f0897 June 5, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.1647014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7025




Guess what Eisenhowers original D-Day

date was?

June 5th,


Gues what day Martese Maurice Edwards

was Arrested at the white house?

June 5th


Guess what building Edwards was working in?


Eisenhower executive office building, 17th st.


Guess what day Edwards was charged

with murder?


May 17th,

Guess what also happend on may 17th?

Wieners laptop indictment was unsealed,

and Gina Hapsel was confirmed as

Director of CIA


Guess what day CIA was founded?….

I can keep going, but it' might help to just look

at this post.




connections are astounding.

Anonymous ID: 1f0897 June 5, 2018, 10:04 p.m. No.1647017   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow, Can u post a screen cap of what u have

saved? should not have any fuckary.

That is not good.


Where are u getting ur sonic weapons reports


Anonymous ID: 1f0897 June 5, 2018, 10:37 p.m. No.1647282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i'm only responding to what the Helper Anon

put in his post.


I'm with you on the Admiral byrd Majestic12

Torroid Flower of life

'47 stuff but he didn't include it in his post

So i didn't either


Definitely not into

Flat earth.

Maybe hollow in places

but not flat.

