EtS blocked me…
Does he also say 'normies' alot?
Actually, when he hit 12k followers, he asked for suggestions to keep the twit page true to the followers.
I said 'Please always tell the truth. We have enough LARPers'
He blocked.
Thanks for making assumptions about my actions tho.
Yeah…too bad.
I guess I won't get the real 'inside information' from the one person on earth that Q has outside comms with..
What post did Q say he/she/they would create a twit account called 'Alice'?
Ask that dumb fuck that one.
I can't…I'm blocked.
And 'Alice'…
And all the others it seems Q is talking to now…
According to Anons on here, Q is talking to everyone but this board..
shhhhh….the shills think they are really close to convincing ppl that it is…
Prolly some more I'm forgetting..
They're all worshipped as being in the 'circle of Q trust'
Bernie' supporters had their donations stolen by HRC/DNC.
And Bernie didn't say a damn word during the DNC Fraud lawsuit.
Bernie was bought and paid for from day 1.
Same as McBrain was against Obama.
Can't forget that Obama did a huge purge of upper leadership for 8 yrs…
Some of the O-4 to O-6 ranks were probably being groomed to be 'activists' also.
Corps is doing the right thing.
Find the bad and weed them out.
I already connected the dots.
HRC chose Bernie to run against her.
That way she brought his folks to her.
From Day 1.
Nov 2 was first Q signature.
Since the beginning.
One of the first posts said 'some of us come here to give info'.
Never has been a single person.
You have a valid point.
Tripcode Q did, however, validate all of the non-tripcode posts currently in the spreadsheets.
Pretty sure Peter Thiel also….prior to the election.
Screenshot of all posts presented to tripcode Q.
Q gave the thumbs up.
Don't believe what you don't want to believe.
But, the tripcode Q you trust now said those posts were valid.
He already did.