Anonymous ID: a9630e June 5, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.1647043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1646312 (Last Bread and Notable)


Here is additional information that goes with my original post.


In Trumps entirely quoted Tweet, the IMAGE itself is not shown but a broken IMAGE URL is. It's broken because it needs to be 10 characters intact.


Shown Twitter Short-link (broken): @Q


Intended Twitter Short-link (working):


Twitter Resolve URL for Intended Short-link (working):


As I stated in the other notable, some type of tool was used to grab Eric Trump's tweet which MANGLED and RUINED the original tweet that Trump intended to paste.


For Reference:


Eric Trump original Tweet:


Trump pseudo reTweet:


For the discrepancy of "He has been an amazing father!" vs "Amazing father!", this means Eric Trump deleted and created a new tweet which is why Trumps tweet broke.

To be sure, "He has been" implies past tense which is why the tweet was probably revised.



Please add this post to the following noteable in Debunk since it explains how part of '@Q' is suppose to be part of the IMAGE URL. Thanks Baker!

> #2070

> >>1645977 , >>1645979 POTUS re-tweeted '@Q' on 04.08.18? - Debunk >>1646312