Martese Edwards (the man arrested at the White House today for attempted murder) worked for the DOD & was a DIA Police Officer?
Age is off by a year. Worth investigating.
Martese Edwards born in 1987.
I saw that. They're using the same "provisional ballot" stuff they used on Bernie.
No the Dems have thrown people off the ballots before. Remember when 117,000 were purged off the rolls in Bernie's hometown of Brooklyn and MSM was saying Hillary beat him on his own turf?
They're still doing the same shit.
How many Martese Maurice Edwards can there be in Maryland? Not that common of a name.
Q posted about Alice and Wonderland.
The screwing over of Bernie during the Primary was really the pivotal point for me in opening up my eyes to everything else. Ended up supporting Trump because of it. Been learning ever since.
They didn't go to Hillary's rally's because they were dead.
His pages and forums are a mess now. The original berner's aren't having any of it. Calling everyone and him out about it. Mostly DNC trolls on there now. Just got thrown off one of their pages a few weeks ago. Was there since 2016.
Just saw this on my Facebook feed from someone from the old neighborhood.