Sir Gay
Sir = Male
Gay = Homo
Male Homosexual
Got any walnut (sauce) on that?
(you) ever notice when you read all post from the beginning of the bread, there is a lot added up top later on down the bread. (You) think, wait, that wasn’t there. Where did it come from?
Charlotte’s Web Templton strikes again.
The rat in the web.
Why is his hair always so greasy?
I live by the tracks.
When DJT was in office, there was a train passing by both ways every thirty minutes. All day, every day.
Now it’s one every four hours.
Hospitals hooked up with “care flight”.
Choppers in your back yard.
Triple amount of crew needed.
A nice way to move data around without hard evidence.
This is why Biden said to Obama, “This is a big fucking deal”.
If you have worked for govt. for 30 years, you are a problem.
I’m sorry for telling you the truth, but it is the truth. It is hard sometimes when you have been lied to your whole life.
X plus S equals R.
Common Core Math.
Smear it out.
It will eventually be true if you say it is long enough.
Someone just got a little smarter.
The best part of waking up is watching others wake up.
Funny part is, nobody remembers Harris is VP.
She is like a light breeze that blew by.
Maybe it blowed by.
Keystrokes and clicks prove the exact opposite.
Anons know.
Forced to watch the shit show.
Anons note the shot show.
Trump invited.
Trump sees what’s going on.
Trump is (you).
Trump (you) see what’s going on.
Systematic Destruction of the Old Guard.
ID pls.