Who put communists on the ballot in the first place?!
I smell alcohol and drugs
Smith Mundt Modernization act has FCC, BBG, Judges, cops, military, medical all walking in lockstep propaganda.
>Right-wing protesters heckled
ALERT Shit news source.
This is why allowing this retarded fuckin QAnon narrative is dangerous
>Clinton /Fox News
Shit news source.
>The hill
Shit news source.
so what the fucks wrong with Biden? Normal people don't crash on a fucking bike like that. This was photo op to show he's good, but he's fucking BAD.
No confidence
Something's wrong
Is he on DRUGS?
Is he being controlled?
No trust in Government doctors either. IT's all SMITH MUNDT TREASON.
Surgen General should be charged with Treason for allowin a potatus that can't walk up stars surrounded by nazis can't ride a bike, he's on drugs and the Surgen General CONSPIRES IN THIS TREASON.
Meanwhile he's a treasonous puppet
Fuck that I want the doctor charged with TREASON RIGHT NOW.
National security people have full-specturm commit treason. From security clearances to weapon secrets, to protecting men, to borders.
let them get vaporized by a fucking nuke.
Whitehouse medical doctor is a insolent treasonous multinational conspiring in treason.
Biden's doctor is a conspiring communist fascist RAT fucker
and it's a beautiful morning in Washington DC with temperature of 4000-6000 Degrees
with winds gusting from 800-900 MPH with a single puffy cloud at the zenith..
>if you are such good people
You'r talking to the Biden/Clinton state department demons again.
I would have them up for treason.
And Yemen isn't my problem.
I don't see it on my calendar
While sleepin In my dream every German official unexplainably volunteered to get culturally enriched because loves the Great Reset. I watch whole German government commit suicide, and never woke up.
your number is off, but I knew what ya meant.
Now for your power and frequency lesson you seen Larry Spring?
So if Santa Surfing and Tarrot with Jeanie and world plus dog in the PAY-triot community quote this motherfucker they are pushing SOROS SHIT.
Do You fyucking hear me LOVE AND LIGHT people.