The Main Tools To Help Assist The Public People Are Words, Language, Sound, Technology
Since the ancient times, words was the main tool to teach, educate others to grow, to understanding more about the life.
In the modern day like now, it will be very difficult to find the common ground between law makers to have any useful policies for the public people and the society in general.
So what option left on the table beside new law, policy?
The answer is using technology, words, language in a smart way to either direct help or ecourage people to learn more about life.
But problem is that the authority, government and whatever entities who have duty to assist humanity are not good in any creative, or any new project idea in general.
Most people in the year of 2022 (now) are too lazy so no matter how good the book it is to their own health and life, they won’t either spend money or do any research. Even the any article with a lot of words already become a real “challenge” for lazy people to read already !
So what are the best combination between technology and words option left:
– Music, video < 10 minute.
– Ebook < 100 pages.
They are the direct straight forward educate the public method. Because it can do viral if the content either “fun” or “good” or “crazy”.
Some other indirect way could help the society is some new unique project like I have shared last week.
I need to repeat that I am completely alone and I am not in any group.
So I am in no position to carry any kind of project that require a lot of money and resources like that.
The duty of assist help the public people belongs to the royal families and come entities and certain gods/deities, not mine.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
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