you are completely insane
criplchan is cripl for a reason
q was an idiot to use it
jim whining likely was responsible
keep on beliebing thล
what do you get if you "win"
have you considered that what you call evil
may have its own purpose
that it may accomplish that which it was
Created to do
just an thought
evil is evil
yet a thing that can not be stopped
is properly called
good or no
mandatory workplace drugtests?
<you might want to get to know your God
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
fantastic reasoning
of whom*
prove satan
should be a clue
none of what you speak exists in the way you think
your concept is based upon an false paradigm
everything you think you know is a lie
yet are you aware of what those whom taught you
do not know
more so, are you aware of their biasesโฆ
those of which they are unaware
then discard the programming they laid in you.
see what is and make your way using your mind
instead of the one they made
one knows much
in many datarenas
all is hearsay save a slim minority
and even provables have glaring exceptions
this is an rigged game
smells particularly catholic
judge God at your peril